we'll start with the frolic and scenic pics......

decent visibility here-

then it started raining........ cool and damp

sunset saturday night ........ just before another yummy dinner at iron mt inn (french dip for me, chicked fried steak for john, grilled boneless pork for steve)

here's the pile of texturing stuff that ended up being mainly moldy and going back to home depot. really nice- 15 out of 20 boxes were totally unusable. out of date since february. of course, we had lots to do anyway, but it was not a fun discovery- steve packed them all into his truck, into the house & then hauled them all back.

the only bright side was that they took back the primer that they messed up too (it's really hard to return custom paint). i got deep red primer from someone at the paint counter who knew what she was talking about. when steve asked for red primer he got bubblegum pink and "that's the reddest i can make it". very disappointing home depot weekend....
here's part of the ceiling process. sore tired arms? why yes.....

John was following behind Steve knocking down the stamping and giving it what will be the real look so to speak.

jake came up & helped saturday too- worked on the jeep, did some texturing under the stairs and some other helpful stuff.
finishing primering the walls.....

the right color of red primer... (this is my project)

the utility room is painted- ceiling, floor and walls...... just a little tidying up along the edges.

we have indoor plumbing! woo hoo! and a pedestal sink in the corner (note the custom pedestals for each leg). the utility sink is temporary. we're going to put a 1/2 shower on the back porch for hosing down dogs & cleaning whatever else needs to be cleaned. in a while.

this is the finished paint color- i really like it. really like the indoor plumbing too!

we realized that we need to add subfloor before tiling, so the commode has a bit of a shim. will do subfloor next weekend. it will be nice and smooth for the tile.
picked up colors to try for the master bed & bath- going for the blue/gray mt color- we'll see how it works. the room is really nice- the windows are great.
it's coming along.....
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