first up- the happy running dog shot-

next, the scenic shots- this is saturday afternoon around 4.

skiff of snow saturday evening, and the inversion set in. socked in all day sunday.....

now to the house.... steve & john got to fairfield in the morning and went to work finishing up the texturing.

steve also started painting the front door, so we can get rid of the construction doors..... the red is a very nice color. i think echo and halle approve.

we have hot water!!! makes it much easier to wash out paintbrushes & rollers, and hopefully we'll have a shower in a week or two.

got the dandy $5 curtains up in the master. just in time for cold weather. in fact, i went back & picked up more for the rest of the windows. not pretty, but they work and the price is right.

halle is supervising steve mixing up more mud for the walls.

we have a door on the bathroom! doesn't keep anyone out (halle doesn't get it), but it does provide a measure of privacy..... sort of reminding me of college- using curtains for doors, second hand furniture- kind of fun.

this is the color of the upstairs bathroom- i got the primer on yesterday and the paint today. will need another coat to be sure all is covered- tough with such a dark color. it will look good with white cabinets and towels, etc...

the light color is a possible master bedroom color. we have a darker blue for the master bath, the dark blue on the left is the primer for that. i wanted to see if we need dark primer under the master color or if we can just use white (cheaper). guess we'll see next week.....bathroom is mesmerize, the master bedroom maybe magic spell.... trying to get close to the color of the mountains- we're going for an idaho in winter colored house.... still looking for the dried grass color for the downstairs walls.

kathleen came up last night to join us for dinner at the imi- chile & salad bar for steve, john & i and chef's salad for kathleen.... a bottle of red wine (carmela cab merlot- pretty tasty) and a brownie sunday for dessert- yum!
anyway- here they are texturing the stairs.

gus came along too and is taking over halle's supervisory duties.

the man toilet isn't such a fab plan with dogs in the house, alas..... note the handy dandy bathroom cabinet- jake & tina picked up for $35 at an auction, decided they didn't like it so steve bought it from them. it'll work great for us.

that's it for me- more painting to come next week.......
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