Do do do looking out my back door.... Yep thats what I can see this morning and it looks good. Laying down a little early season snow up high. Now to get it built up enough to lay tracks down in it next month. This view keeps me motivated to get the project far enough along to get our final and then I can slowly finish out the rest of it.

steve and his mom went up saturday morning. i went to home depot for paint, gave echo a haircut and headed up later in the afternoon.

love the colors. we're trying to figure out how to match the foreground colors in this photo on the walls- every color chip seems to be too bright or too yellow or too something. i could paint it fine-some sienna, some ochre & naples yellow for the soft light tan. we'll figure it out.
beautiful stormy sky.

i love having this field behind the house to walk in. the dogs can race around and it looks like there will be plenty of wildflowers this spring (i'll probably need rubber boots then too, it is pretty marshy...)
steve got the trim done, it looks good. we have lots of windows!

steve was busy getting the drywall primered

so that he & john can get after texturing the walls next weekend. you can see we have a little time to figure out the paint.
this is how the texture looks in the downstairs bathroom, which we hope to get up & running next weekend. indoor plumbing sounds really attractive with snow on the way. and having a sink (the utility sink) for washing brushes and rollers will be good too.

sampling colors for the downstairs bath & the guest bath upstairs so we can get the shower going too. a little less like camping out. also will let us get our final (along with completing the electric) so we can legally live in the house.

here is our new home away from home and spot to watch football....the iron mountain inn. i managed to restrain myself & have salad bar & chili. steve had the prime rib- and it was good! they weren't out of jack this week either :) we missed the german dinner at the legion hall- i forgot to tell steve i saw the sign coming into town, and we wanted to watch the game anyway.

here's the flowering crab. the rain is good for all of the plants that went in last weekend.

and the red twig dogwood along the fence....

downstairs bathroom paint color & tile. (paint color behr mission tile)

upstairs guest room paint & tile... (paint color behr iced espresso)

same press on tile for both rooms. the plan next week is to get deck paint down, primer the walls, get the rooms painted, toilet & sink installed.... and i have paint for the utility room so the water heater can be installed some time soon too.
got ceilings painted in downstairs bath & utility room. (paint color behr camembert).

between romps, echo supervised and hung out on the front porch and guarded the house and halle tried eating everything that wasn't nailed down (plaster bits, part of the foam pads, kitty roca in the yard) and then it all came back up..... we were kind of glad about that tho, don't think the foam was going to pass so well.... we need to make sure she runs more :)