tracy came along for the ride today, you can see steve has been busy painting. looks good.

the plumbing was run last week. having never built a house, i am clueless as to the things that need to be spelled out, instead of seeming like common sense. i didn't understand why we would have to walk through every room and point out the seemingly obvious places for outlets & light switches. then i saw that we have one hose bib outdoors on the frontish right hand corner of the house. this will involve getting really long hoses and doing lots of hose hauling if anything needs hand watered in back or on the other side of the house. now i understand a bit better. (we may be able to add a hose bib off of the sprinkler system on the left side to make things a bit easier).
i still don't understand why we will have a utility sink in our downstairs bathroom, which guests will presumably use rather than going upstairs, instead of in the utility room or on the back porch, but that's what steve wants, it's important to him, so that's what we'll have. in the long run, not that big of a deal, and another guy will probably think it's really handy.
i wish we had inventoried the fixtures steve bought, and either had them there or taken some dimensions. i also wish i had understood how long it would take to mark things out. seems like an easy thing to decide where the switches, outlets & light are going, but not really. one good thing is that we actually thought about a charging station, and will have a spot on the back porch for all of those darn chargers......
the door to the master bath didn't get moved over, and the closet opening didn't get changed to coming from the bedroom. i'm sure we can get fixed easily. this would be lots easier if we could just pop over in the evenings, but all in all it's going pretty smoothly so far.
more next week (or maybe even from steve when he gets home on sunday).
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