these are the colors we're supposed to have...... most of the house will be the green, most trim off white and the doors and maybe some accents red. we're trying to figure out why the color on the house doesn't look like the sample we painted in the back yard (which looks like the paint chip above). as you can see below, it seems to have more blue in it. it's ok, but different... maybe because the primer on the siding is brown, not white.

steve slaved away for much of saturday- with help from his mom, who did a great job of collecting nails- while i did the market & some stuff around the house. i went up around 1 on sunday. it really is a pleasant, easy drive.
steve painted some more, dogs & i took a nap. we met the neighbors, who are very nice people with 2 yellow labs. they're renting the house next door while building their house outside of town. then we took a short hike at the ski area- steve was pleased to see it looks a little larger & has more black runs than he'd thought previously.
we had dinner at the iron mountain inn- chicken fried steak for me (it has been YEARS since i've had one- and it was REALLY good!) and pasta for steve. back to the trailer- it was a windy ole night. the stars were beautiful, even if it was a bit nippy.

lots of reeds & sedge in the field behind the house, leading us to believe it's a bit marshy in the spring. we've been told it's where lots of the snowmelt comes through. it is platted out. some neighbors say it can't be built on due to runoff. we think it more likely that it won't be built until the economy improves, but if someone wants to build there & can sell the houses we'll be glad we went 2 stories high.
speaking of which, here we are- 2 stories tall & set back farther than the neighbors....

here's the guard dog

and here are the dogs having a bit of a frolic. i suspect the cooler air and having room to dash about will suit both of them just fine. they're really good- don't wander, just hang around....

that's it for now, unless steve wants to add anything!
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