First thing to look at is the snow on the mountains. Looks good at the top, 9-10 thousand feet up that is.

So let's see, what did I get done this weekend? I hauled up some subfloor for the bathrooms. Laid that in the downstairs bathroom, after pulling the toilet and sink out. We're trying something a little different with the peel and stick tiles. Should work. Also laid subfloor in the upstairs bath on the east end. The weather was very nice, no rain, just sunshine so I was able to do all my layouts and cutting outside. Less dust in the house. Have enough of that already inside. Seems like the time really flies by when it is just me working. 5 oclock came around quickly. I took a break to get something to eat and watch the end of the BSU vs. U of I game. By the time I got there it was into the 4th quarter and BSU was thumping them, as usual. Finished eating and went right back to work installing the flooring in the downstairs bath. By the time I got the sink and toilet back in place it was after ten.

As you can see the seat is up on the toilet. That is because it is a MAN toilet. Yes that means that the seat always gets put back up like you found it. A simple concept actually and once each person gets it committed to memory there are no problems with falling in when it is being used in the middle of the night. Simple enough don't you think? Best part about this toilet is that it can be purchased at any place toilets are sold!
Sunday was a bit of a sleep in day. Didn't get started until 8:30 or so. Worked on taking the trash box apart outside and making it into a wood box. It's a little rough, but will work for what I have in mind. Worked to get the back steps settled and leveled up with a slight slope away from the house, much better than it was. Other than working on odds and ends of cleaning up and getting the bathroom floor upstairs finished prepping for the next round of tile to lay, didn't seem to really make a big dent in the long list of things to do. Happy to finally get the trash box torn down and things straightened up a bit more outside. Not many photos this week as I tend to get in project mode and don't think of it until I'm driving home. The photographer didn't come up this week, so that makes a diff as well.
So next week is texturing fun for John and I as we're going to make a big push to knock out the rest of the house with the wall texturing. Hoping that the plumber shows up and gets the water heater in. I have the breaker waiting to put in as soon as he does. Wow we could have hot water, that'd be a treat. Could even actually shower if we get a curtain up and the controls on.
Stay tuned.