hard to believe the last post was
october 18! it's been a while since we've been to
fairfield for a weekend. nice not to HAVE to go up and work, and it was nice to be able to go up this weekend & spend some time exploring & enjoying.
we drove up friday night- grateful that we are only 1 1/2 hrs away so that's an easy thing to do. another beautiful sunset, dinner & the end of the boise state game at the imi.
saturday morning
steve wanted to get some doors up- bought 4- one for each bedroom & for 2 bathrooms. a moment of concern as to whether the guy at home depot sent the right ones, but they all worked, except the one that's 2 inches too big. reading the
internet directions- which helped quite a bit.

the downstairs bathroom now has a door!

as does the master bedroom. the other 2 will go up next weekend.

then we all piled into the jeep & went exploring. this is the back side of the mountain we hiked up in

we saw wolf tracks on the road. no mistaking them- they are absolutely huge- as big as
steve's hand, as you can see-

just a few inches of snow when we got higher up, but it was beautiful

this is the remains of an old mining town-
carrietown- that
steve wanted to find. i loved the animal tracks all headed for the building.

on the way back out, we stopped at some hot springs. there are several pools set up for soaking, there was a couple headed for one of them when we got here. the pools
we checked out weren't especially warm, but can probably be adjusted with judicious rock movement.

beautiful blue sky day, as you can see.

and another lovely sunset. cooked at home, then down to the
imi for a little socializing. the joint was jumping, which is good to see.

and back to town this morning, as i had some work work to do. playing with my new
smartphone- lots of fun & funky photo apps making the drive look more interesting than it sometimes is....

steve is headed back up next weekend, so more then.
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