first, the nature shots. wildflowers starting to bloom behind the house. these are phlox and wild parsley.

not sure what these are...

larkspur & wild parsley.

it's all so green! this is the tree
i've been shooting & a currant bush.

camas- the plant that the county is named for. the
indians summered in the wide high valley & gathered
camas roots for food. this time of year, fields are literally blue with flowers.

went to
camas centennial marsh
saturday morning.

the yellow headed blackbirds looked very cool among the blue
camas blooms.

on to house progress.....
steve and
jake got the king mattress upstairs, and we got the bedding on it. pretty comfy bed, it is. hoping the microfiber keeps
halle hair to a minimum. it is nice having room for all 3 of us :)
also, notice white walls- that was my job this weekend, to primer the master. 3 plus hrs later (even with the power roller) it was done. big room. which is good.

there was one casualty of getting the mattress up the stairs..... good thing we opted for the cheap
paintable sconces.

amoire (
craig's list,
mexican pine, price we were very happy with) didn't make it upstairs. will take 3 guys. and probably best after the room is painted, to minimize moving. it is a great piece of furniture, though & we'll be glad to have it.
steve is reading
baxter black and eating breakfast. good thing we didn't catch him laughing.
steve built this storage for the kitchen in boise and he & jake brought it up.

dandy storage/microwave stand until we get cabinets. will have doors on it & become garage storage in its next life.
subfloor for the master bath also on the agenda. here's the workshop.

and the floor.

the bathroom walls that i painted a few weeks ago-

the tile for the tub & shower that
jake says he can finish in an afternoon- so we'll pay him to do so. less stress that way.

last fall's tree & shrub purchases survived-

and the grass seed is started.
and that's it for now......pushing for the final, which means completing the master bath. we're close. (i should say steve's close, since that part is pretty much up to him).
anyway- productive weekend!
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