not a whole lot more snow that we saw last time we were up. yep, those are still the construction doors......
steve got a lot accomplished- nearly all lights are now up (probably all by now).

the hanging lights are where the island between the kitchen and eating area will be. the kitchen fixture holds 2- 100 watt bulbs (
yay!). as a result of our wiring confusion, we only have a switch for this light coming in from the back door. we do have a hole in the wall by the stairs with a cover over it that is where we wanted the other switch- will hopefully be easy to put a switch there. seems so logical.....

we have a working shower (who knew that there were so many different proprietary types of hook ups that determine what fixture you can buy? once we knew what kind we needed it was a lot easier to get this done.)

this is the spiffy shower
curtain that
steve got at big lots. looks great with the paint, doesn't it?

the sconces are up- matching the wall.....

and the kitchen sink is hooked up! woo
i did some touch up painting around the outlets in the front room. couldn't stand much, so that was about all i could do.
it was a bit chilly last night- 11.8 at 8:38.....(probably colder, steve moved the outdoor thermometer today to get a more accurate reading. this was warmer than the car thermo)

dinner at the brewpub- buffalo burgers, music, wine, the
apres ski crowd...

when we got home last night, we heard whining at the door. it was rocky, wanting
halle to come out & play. and he was back this morning.

the streets are the easiest place to walk- the dogs
posthole in the snow and don't like so much trying to go over it- but they can race down the road. not much traffic, and what there is goes slow.

and the scenic shots- last night's sunset

this morning's
hoar frost
red twig and barn

camas county horse trough

that's it for now!
Pictures are really beautiful. What kind of dogs do you have? Is one a bernese mountain dog? Love the shower curtain!
-Liesl (MI)
the big black furball is a bouvier des flandres and the tricolor is a greater swiss mountain dog- from the same region as berners, but with short hair, and a bigger dog. different temperament too.
yes, husband gets good points for the shower curtain! :)
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