little bit o' snow on the hills.... steve isn't taking any chances, though, he is using any and all help in asking for a heavy snow year. He's taking up a dream catcher, quartz crystals & tobacco to perform a make it snow prayer in the way of the people who lived here long before any of us ( he'll use any help he can get, doing some other rites & prayers as well, equal opportunity)........ just as soon as we have a furnace.
Steve's two cents worth says that it's too soon to get excited about a little snow up high. Give it a month. Besides I still have outside painting to do, so I hope it warms just a little for a couple of weeks. So if any of you want to crawl around on an extension ladder 20 feet above the ground, give me a call. We only need 50 degrees and no rain.
not much different on the outside, but here it is anyway-
john started sheetrock last weekend, but it's too much for one person, so we're going to have someone come in & get it done so that we can get insulation in and the furnace installed- which will be important here soon.

steve ran phone lines this weekend so that when the walls are sheetrocked we have them where we need them.

next up- sheetrock, insulation & a furnace- maybe a toilet too, so we can move inside & work as the weather gets colder. (and maybe camp out in the house for a ski expedition or two...... should be able to do that in a few months.
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