Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why so many windows?

So, I did take a day off to satisfy project mode. And fine progress was made as you will see.

Before todays painting. Yeah, I took the day off to paint. And after painting.

I finally finished the bulk of the window trim. That is why I posed the question, why so many windows? If I had thought about all the trim to paint, I'm certain there would have been far fewer windows, maybe.

Also you can see that the back deck is pretty much done. Still have steps to build. Finished the front steps though. See.
Oh, and notice the window left open by the fine insulation crew. Not how they found it. Gee, the heat is on tonight and why not leave a window open.

Anyway, I did make some good progress last night and today while the weather was just about perfect. The furnace seems to be working o.k., what do I know. I hooked it up in the box and flipped the breakers on, and low and behold it came on. Actually blows warm air.

Now if the temps will hold outside, so I can get the redwood decks clean and sealed, paint touched up and the edges of the window trim finished, oh yeah I still have the soffits on the back porch to paint.... I still like the porches and redwood decking. Something about wood that is hard to beat when building.

And once again a photo of the sunset last night.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

sunday october 26

just so you know that it isn't ALL work ALL of the time- we took a hike yesterday afternoon- it's awfully pretty and we're looking forward to exploring more.

we had a camera this weekend! planted these poor little guys who should be fine through the winter.... 3 aspen, 2 spirea, 2 flowering crabapples in the back yard and a sand cherry. 3 red twig dogwood at home
for next weekend.
our first night in the base camp. deluxe accomodations (heat!)

looks much closer to finished with the wallboard up! white dust everywhere....i hear that the next step is texture glops everywhere.

here's the closet in the master- not very big, is it?

steve priming so it's ready for john to start texturing.....

met the guy who owns the house next door (rental, for sale) and several other rentals in town. his dog's name is axel- yes, after axel rose- he lives in bellevue & backcountry skis.

beautiful sunset and sunrise, i came back to run errands & do some work and steve got more painting done.

more to come.....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The house. I need to take the rest of the fall off so I can get over this project mode I'm in. But it is probably for the best if I just pace myself. Did a little painting on soffit and trim up high. Not real motivated for the painting like I should be, especially after I got started on the back deck and front steps this morning. I was waiting for the temps to warm up so I could paint. Nice weather, hope it holds at least for the weekends. I did get all of the sheet rock scraps and trash loaded onto the trailer, but to late to get to the local landfill. That'll have to wait until next weekend.
Supposed to get the furnace in next week. Thought it might show up yesterday, but no. Tape man has a little bit more to do, otherwise the sheet rock is up and almost completely taped. Looks good. Marianne went out and bought bushes, trees and such today. Good time to do it. Usually stuff is 50% off or more this time of year.
So next week is finish the back deck, steps off of the back deck, plant bushes, trees, start the texturing process inside, paint, paint, paint, make footers for the front steps, which involves building forms, mixing concrete and shoveling it in. The concrete footers may not happen until next summer. Oh yeah, a trip to the dump to get rid of all the sheet rock scraps. That will have to happen first thing Saturday a.m. No pictures this week, I forgot the camera. It does look more like a house inside with the sheetrock up. So we'll see if I can remember it next week.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

october 11 2008

woo hoo trash hauling day in the earliest snow since 1969 (at least in boise). and we have a few weeks' worth too.....

loaded on the snowmobile trailer to go to the dump. the good thing about it was i figured this is enough physical labor to get me a free pass at the cafe- so when we had lunch i had a (very good) patty melt & tots. they can do yummy not so healthy food here!

steve got the house numbers up and fixed the phone line & a spot on the drain where there was a problem. i was reading in the truck bundled up in a comforter while that was happening- still no heat in the house.

we do have some insulation and as soon as we have sheetrock up we'll have the ceiling insulated & then we can have a furnace. i guess the sheetrock happens next week- oh boy! more trash to haul. when i very reasonably asked if we got trash cans would they be used ( instead of the big nailed together catch all box) i was just told to quit whining. guess it's too hard to put garbage in anything smaller than a dumpster sized shape. oh well.

here's today's view. steve thinks the weather is a bit early. he shouldn't have even thought about the snow dance until we had a heater installed & trim painted! oh well- maybe back to 60 next week...... and the dogs loved it!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 5 2008

little bit o' snow on the hills.... steve isn't taking any chances, though, he is using any and all help in asking for a heavy snow year. He's taking up a dream catcher, quartz crystals & tobacco to perform a make it snow prayer in the way of the people who lived here long before any of us ( he'll use any help he can get, doing some other rites & prayers as well, equal opportunity)........ just as soon as we have a furnace.

Steve's two cents worth says that it's too soon to get excited about a little snow up high. Give it a month. Besides I still have outside painting to do, so I hope it warms just a little for a couple of weeks. So if any of you want to crawl around on an extension ladder 20 feet above the ground, give me a call. We only need 50 degrees and no rain.

not much different on the outside, but here it is anyway-

john started sheetrock last weekend, but it's too much for one person, so we're going to have someone come in & get it done so that we can get insulation in and the furnace installed- which will be important here soon.

looks like we have plenty of outlets, switches and overhead fixture options.

steve ran phone lines this weekend so that when the walls are sheetrocked we have them where we need them.

next up- sheetrock, insulation & a furnace- maybe a toilet too, so we can move inside & work as the weather gets colder. (and maybe camp out in the house for a ski expedition or two...... should be able to do that in a few months.