Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 2 in Utah


Yeah, I know, I'm a little late in posting this.  Been back home all of one day and by now we've been through 4 full days of tooling around the Torrey Utah area.  First things first.  Great chow at a restuarant by the name of something Diablo.  Google it.  Here are some shots of the food.  Food was even better than the presentation.
First up is rattlesnake appetizer.  Not just some old farm raised snake either.  This is free range rattler.  Yes siree folks, this poor slooow slithering son of a snake got caught out on the ranges of west Texas at the annual rattlesnake roundup.  It's for real, I saw it on t.v., the roundup part I write of.
Next up is the entree'.  Our next table neighbors were such good sports and got with the spirit of having fun with food, that they requested Marianne take a picture of their food as well.  The couple on the other side of us were not as entertained.  They quickly finished up and moved on out of the premise.  Must be hell to be retired and uptight.

Lamb above and Ribs for me.  That's right, ribs with sweet potato, veges and flash fried string hashbrowns topped with red beet strings coming up out of the center of this meat delight. I had the privilige of previewing these two nights prior, so I knew I was getting a winner.  Different presentation though.

Carnage, yes, good, don't leave any bone un-gnawed carnage. 
Still room for dessert. Actually this is a photo of two deserts.  The mammoth chocolate wedge of fattness is hiding the cheese cake.  This has to be maybe say, oh about, a 12 mile hike through the desert kind of dessert.  I think we might of covered 5 miles before this meal.  So that makes it a 7 mile hike deficit.  If I dream about hiking, biking and running, will it help?

O.K., I know it's weird to have a photo of a bathroom, but since when have you seen a wall full of devil masks in a bathroom.  I used to think it was weird just to see a chair in a bathroom.  Like who is going to sit in a chair across from you while you do your biz?  At least this one sits to the side.  Storage? What you don't have a back room to put your extra chair?  I know you want to put your purse on it, but it's the mens room.  Actually it was an either or b room.  So back to the masks.  They each had a tongue coming out of the mouth and most we're turned to the side.  Strange, very strange.  Guess I need to get educated on this little fact.  Anyway the food was outstanding, service great and the margaritas spot on.  Cafe Diablo.  Google it.

Well it's late, I should be in bed so that I get to work by 6:30 like a good emplyee, so we'll just have to wait until another evening for me to load (translate Marianne upload scenic photos) to this blogosphere thing and then we'll get to see some fun, vast. mind blowing country.  No we weren't smoking rabbit brush (our 80+ years old neighbor mentioned doing that when they were young) have no idea what that's about and don't plan on finding out.


Bob Palin said...

Looks like you thoroughly explored Cafe Diablo. The masks are African tribal masks which the Diablo owner collects, there are a lot more on one of the main restaurant walls. Can't help you with the chair!

Bob Palin
Torrey, Utah

marianne said...

steve says thanks for the education! we did thoroughly enjoy cafe diablo (and the beautiful country surrounding it!)