So, it's been a long time since either one of us has put anything on this blog. Was thinking about how much work it was to build this project. Well to work on it to this point, that is. Because it isn't finished even after 4 plus years. Which of course got me to thinking about what we have accomplished over the past 4 years with help from many people, some paid and some paid not as well as maybe they should have been. Those of the underpaid need to use it more often. Or all of them do. Which led me to think I will revisit the beginning of this fine project.
From the top here we go; starting with the floor plan or rather a modified floor plan off of something we found on the internet. I bought a cad program at best buy and used that to draw out the floor plan. I had never done anything of the sort before this. It didn't look all that hard, so I figured I could teach myself. Well what do you know? I did and it worked.
Of course I also needed to draw up all the elevations as well. Wasn't that hard really. You know, sides, front and a back view. It was kind of fun and way cheaper than hiring an architect. Oh, and a site plan as well. More fun. Nothing like getting to create on paper and all you need is an eraser for screw ups.
Thank goodness for Kinkos and the help there. All of the plans had to be spec'd to a certain size as per city and county requirements. With help from Kinkos I was able to get it all done with minnimum frustration and dollars. Once we paid out the nose for the building permit (high as or higher than Boise) or so it seemed in comparison. We were off to the races with something real in the ground.
I can't believe I painted this thing. I will hire someone to paint it the next time.
The skis normally are mounted on a wall paralell as in how they go down the hill. If sticking in the snow crossed like this it ususally means some first aid is needed or happening. Well guess what? This place is my first aid. Mental and physical at times.
There will be some new photos showing up in the near future featuring a shot of downstairs flooring I hope. We sold the jeep and are using some of the money to buy flooring, a pellet stove and maybe, just maybe some real kitchen cabinets. Not for sure on cabinets just yet, all depends on the funds.
I'll end this post with a nice little sunrise shot out at the marsh,Another scenic shot from the marsh (photo credit to Marianne) and
Jack doing what he really loves to do.
Be in the water.
Don't chew that.