the field behind the house is full of wildflowers
we took a hike monday morning. this is the same one the women went on last week- about 3.6 miles, good because there's water for the dogs the whole way.
there were butterflies everywhere- even on echo for a while
geranium and potentilla
some sort of berry- we'll see in a month or so
cow parsnip
halle enjoying the stream
not sure what this tree is, but it had a sweet fragrance
skunk cabbage
and then monday night, a beautiful setting for a concert- and carole king & james taylor put on a great show-
sunrise this morning- hay being cut & baled all over the valley this time of year
steve stayed around today & got the door in the master bath hung and more baseboards painted, cut & attached.
back to work tomorrow, more to come in the next few weeks.