my first trip back to fairfield since the end of may. things are blooming like crazy, including the tail end of the camas. these are in the field behind the house-
don't know what this is yet-
this is a camas
these look like phlox, but have large flowers
we found these on a short hike this morning behind the ski area.
western peony
wild geranium
mountain bluebell
a couple more not sure
silverleaf phacelia
a field of camas
and the birds- a snipe (true!)
sandhill cranes
we're trying to indentify this one
the swainson's hawks eggs have hatched- i saw one little head pop up, but didn't get the shot. this is mom hanging by the nest ( i think)
and dad doing the lookout
steve's headed up next weekend, my next trip is 4th of july- when we'll have a full house for music, fireworks, hiking, biking & general mayhem. hope the neighbors don't mind the tent colony in the back yard! :)