while the dogs (and marianne) were getting some exercise it was work work work for steve...... getting the shed and the rest of the trim on the house painted while it's still warm enough..
Sunday, October 18, 2009
october 17 & 18
while the dogs (and marianne) were getting some exercise it was work work work for steve...... getting the shed and the rest of the trim on the house painted while it's still warm enough..
Sunday, October 11, 2009
work, work, work
It was cool and calm until about 3 then that notorious Fairfield breeze started up. I was fortunate in that I only had to wrestle one sheet of siding in place while the wind blew. Managed to get the shed sided and the doors on by about 5:30 and even took the animals out for 2 walks.
Busy boy this weekend, the old wood skis are hung, these aren't so different from the first pair I used. Felt really bad drilling some holes in them to put screws in so that I could attach some cable for hanging them. They really are in good enough shape to ski. Of course if someone is in need that bad, they can fill in the screw holes and let em rip.
Here's a shot as the sun was coming up this a.m.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The shed & weather
Fall temps are here. Love the cooler weather. The big project for the weekend is to get the shed roof shingled and maybe some or all of the siding on. one out of two isn't bad. Here is a shot of half the shingles on (20 minute lunch break) and then we worked on the other side.
John came up Friday afternoon and started the roofing project. Which is good or we would have been at it all day Saturday instead of til 2. The jeep came in handy as it was used as our movable scaffolding/platform/extra ladder. Note the air powered nail gun, oh what a sweet tool. And to think that my siblings and I helped put asphalt shingles on our dad's house some 35+ years ago with only a hammer. But then when you have lots of cheap labor the time factor is probably about the same. Sad thing is I didn't retain much of what I learned about roofing from 35 years ago. Good reason for that I'm sure. That is where John comes in. He's our resident expert now. It went pretty quick once he got me lined out. I did the cutting and set out shingles while he placed and nailed them. As rain was predicted we felt like we were racing the weather all day. I hope it got up to 50, but if not it will next week according to the weather man. Need that to get the shingles tabbed together. Otherwise the neighbors may get some wizard of oz action. You know, flying shingles. Beats flying monkeys.
With the roof done and John having gone home, it was on me to do some siding. Decided I'd start on the front and the double doors. I did manage to get the front done and the doors about 75%. Yes I took this photo before that.
One boo boo in the back to be covered with trim. the guilty will remain nameless. Once it is trimmed and painted, no one will be the wiser. except for one other little boo boo or maybe it is an optical illusion. one is, two others are not. Not the end of the world and it'll be weather tight when finished.
Great to see the first real snowfall of the year. With more snow on the way today and the prediction is for 6 inches or more at the 7k level and above, it should look really good the middle of the week.
Made a quick run out to the ski area to see how far along the new lodge is and on the way stopped to take a couple of quick shots of the sky. Looks like the clouds are stacking against the hill. I'm sure there is a weather/meteorological name for this. If you click on them they may look a bit better. Can't say as my photo ability does them justice.
The lodge has jumped leaps and bounds from when I last visited. Don't know if they'll have it done enough to use this season. Originally they didn't plan on it being finished and thought they'd have something temporary to use for the ski season.